Sunday, December 20, 2009

Come and see what's happening in the barn!

You must listen, I had not heard this is a fun song and seems to go very well with the nativity that my oldest granddaughter set up when she was 2...even at that age she seemed to know that all eyes were on the Baby Jesus!


  1. FP makes the camel look so cute, but can you imagine being a baby and looking up to find a slobbery camel?;0) I love Rori's set up. That FP nativity is so cute. We haven't put up our normal nativity now for about 4 years b/c a wiseman, Joseph or Baby Jesus would disappear and later we would find them in a train, truck or doll house somewhere.

  2. Noah plays with the nativity every day. Juliana likes to chew on the camel or donkey, Noah doesn't like when she does that.
