Saturday, November 14, 2009

"I'm Having a Tea Party"

my oldest granddaughter exclaimed. (By this time Handsome and I were pooped and neither one of us grabbed the camera or Flip, much to our great chagrin.) "And everybody is invited...even the glo bugs."

In full regalia she proceeded to set up the party. She even had her plastic, high heeled shoes on. As she set the "table" (a box I keep my Barbie things in, and yes, I still have my Barbies), she would step back, cross her arms and survey the situation.

Clip clopping from the living room to the Princess Room she brought out everything she would need. After she placed all the dolls and glo bugs, she invited me to join in.

When we were done, she said..."What can be the dish washer?" I said "How about this empty box". To which she replied, " Don't put these dishes in there, they're clean, we didn't use them." I so agree little girl... just because it was on the table doesn't mean it has to be washed!


  1. What a sweet time and a wonderful age (both of you).:0)

  2. Can I come to the next tea party?

  3. She's only four but you can hire her to plan your next socail gathering. Love that little girl--Bill
